03-14-2017, 08:31 AM
quote:Hence the condition of 23rd/Shower, less than a yr old. Good questions brought up. I prev stated on this thread that Triple K contractor stated, "at least 3 layers of CS" is required for a good result. But I've also heard an engineer and road experts say CS is not for HPP w/our traffic, topography, and rain. But the inexperienced GM and reps from 2015 to today had an agenda, and it didn't have anything to do w/the association's best interest. If it did, they wouldn't have overturned our vote. The brand new male reps don't know the CS history. Dist 5's husband has been on the board since Nov 2014. The non transparency of the CS business since at least May 2015, raises questions and suspicion. They've had many many opportunities to answer questions and to be transparent. The fact that they won't nor have they disclosed $ info to even the FC who is entitled to this info raises more serious questions. What exactly are they hiding from us?
Originally posted by caveat emptor
Last week I received copies of the first 2 contracts w/ Triple K Trucking (the co. doing the chip seal). They were from May 2015 and July 2015. The 1st contract states, among other requirements, that Triple K will handle trucking all of the 3/4” base course and 3/8” chips but will bill HPP separately from the actual chip sealing process. HPP was required to “purchase the 3/4” base course and 3/8” chipping materials based on the best materials to get the job done correctly, verified and approved by TKT.”
What this part of the contract means is that no one, that is, the Association does not know, what the actual chipping material purchases have cost HPP... except a few. Because the line items for “chips” and “rock” that are in the financial reports, the ones that the Finance Committee are required to be receiving and as previously reported on PT, are blank!
Unfortunately, no one except “the few” actually knows what the final signed contract says, because as far as I am aware, nobody except “the few” has seen it, certainly not the Association. What is troubling is that, and as anyone can see for themselves, there is not the required base course laid on the roads that have been chip sealed to date. It is very obvious even to a casual observer, that the chip seal just laid on 26th between Makuu & Paradise is paper thin. Does not that raise a reasonable question as to where all the money is going? Does it not seem reasonable to ask “the few” why you are not abiding with what TKT required in the contract? Did the signed contract get changed and TKT is okay with a substandard job that is contrary to his standard contract?
I know that the owner of TKT in a deposition last Nov. (maybe for the OL lawsuit), stated that he tells his clients that 3 layers of chip seal is what is needed to do a good chip seal job. I wonder what changed.