03-16-2017, 08:04 PM
quote:Aloha ahiahi, pog. Trust all is well with you. (BBM) LOL!
Originally posted by pog
"My take on this is that people--especially visitors--don't educate themselves about the risks.
They think that just because nobody's been hurt, nobody will ever get hurt.
They think that if the experienced lava boat pilot goes near shore, it must be safe.
That's a far cry from informed consent. "
OMG how this applies perfectly to the Travel Ban.
Yes, indeed...Hawai'i is NOT the place to be...please boycott us. Mahalo nui!!! At least until we get the coastline, and boat harbors "regulated", and "protected".
Incredible times we live in.
P.S. I pray every day to Akua, Aumakua, and Kupuna, (especially Tutu Pele, being in Puna), to stop the madness...I miss the "simpler times" in life.