03-24-2017, 03:35 AM
quote:My road has been entirely neglected for a couple years. Obie gave the link to HPP's audit to refute someone but won't answer a pertinent question of why they stopped spending what was standard in maintaining roads and shoulders prior to 2015. The audit seems to point to spending for chip seal.
Originally posted by mermaid53
Obie posted this link to refute my financial questions...it looks like Obie's actually raised more questions....
Obie pls see figures on P 4 of the Jun 2016 audit rpt...
Expenses, Direct Road Maint
Roads 6/30/2016 $123,884. 6/30/2015 $266,463. (142,579.)
Shoulder Maint 6/30/2016 $8,359. 6/30/2015 $38,790. (30,431.)
Question: Why did the board and GM spend less on road and shoulder maintenance? It's a big decrease in spending on the maintenance of our roads and shoulders....where's the $$$$?
mikewj asked Obie:
My understanding is you do not live in HPP. Correct? If this is true, would you help me understand your interest in HPP business? Own property here? Plan to move here? Other reasons?
You post a great deal more often than those who live here. Just asking.
Check out the previous page mikewj.
Correction: (prior to 2015)