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Way to sanitize hot ponds/check bacterial levels?
Glass#. the State of Hawaii already does the water quality tests for many of the public beaches, including Ahalanui Beach Park (Site # 001143)

As this is a GUARDED ocean Park, with many marine animals, including some federally listed species, anything you poured into the pond would not only be detrimental to the environment, but could also be very detrimental to your wallet & possibly your freedom, as that would not be a legal action... If your wish is to enjoy chlorinated water, Pahoa Pool is open daily (except holidays like this Monday & training/treatment days) & is a divine resource for those that would rather not dip into a very living ecosystem...

Also, anyone with any immune compromised system, or with any open injuries, the ocean around Hawaii would not be the best choice to indulge in....

Always shower off after any swim in the ocean, making sure that you spend some attention on microbe trapping areas like ears & skin folds...

And this week, hopefully most of us realize that the state is looking to restrict the use of sunscreens that can damage our coral reefs, so please also look at the sunscreen you have, if you are not positive it is coral safe, maybe this is the time to invest in our islands future & get yourself a sunscreen that you are positive is coral safe.... & always rinse off lotions & oil before going into any ocean area near shore (& near reefs....)


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RE: Way to sanitize hot ponds/check bacterial levels? - by Carey - 03-25-2017, 05:34 PM

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