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[for woman] have you ever taken lupron?
Birdmove - Cancer thrives in acid environments - only eat non acidic fresh fruit n veg.Certified organic Non GMO.
Flush system daily with non acidic H20.A gallon or so a day.
Their are healers who know all the endemic plants,roots,herbs in our forests on island that are cures for all ailments known to humans.I will check with some friends in kamulela and get a list an post here.
If you are in H.A. we are neighbors .
Currently know 3 others in H.A. with stage 4 prostate cancer an totally have changed diet and also combo with chemo and the tumors have shrunk magnificently.There is a womyn near kapoho whose sole purpose is to raise all endemic plants that cure cancers an she has plenty.No phone though.
Cell phones also cause all kine cancers from the high levels of radiation they emit.If you have a cell phone toss it an get land line only.
Nothing processed,nothing carbonated.
Turmeric juice helps and roots from yellow ginger also help n also several types of dead fern leaves that grow in the forest,that you steep in non acid water for two days and drink half gallon a day and when pau put in a 80% shady rocky area for it to regrow .This fern is common in the forests in H.A. between the 800ft elevation n 2400ft elevation.
Will put our prayers to God for a successful recovery.

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RE: [for woman] have you ever taken lupron? - by Mimosa - 03-27-2017, 01:57 PM

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