06-03-2006, 08:02 PM
Hi Lenny, I was the one with the infested house on that other forum. That was much more of a housekeeping problem than a pest problem. The family that lived here set up a tarp covered outdoor kitchen, and threw all of the waste on the ground.....which we have cleaned up, along with cleaning out every wall. Now that the grounds & walls are clean, the only things we get are a few itsy bitsy bugs that squeeze through the screens (even ants have been fairly easy to control through housekeeping & bait traps) and the live geckos our dumb cat keeps bringing in the house for us, but we are training that out of her (hopefully). I do hope you are not turned off from moving here by my description of the mess we bought, I was just trying to get through to the original poster that there may be reasons to want to build your own house rather than deal with someone elses place. She has a way of making it seem that her way is THE ONLY WAY, I try to see that there are many roads to choose from, and many reasons to choose ones' path.