04-27-2017, 05:13 AM
Originally posted by riversnout
So the carbon that entered the atmosphere from 6.6-30.7 years ago is still failing to warm it?
Sorry Rob, but postings from the "Skeptic's Handbook" should be addressed. I haven't see those myths trotted out in a while. Joanne Nova has a BS in microbiology and has spent most of her time hocking pseudo-science based on simplified understanding of climate science.
The idea of CO2 saturation is wrong.
Short version: https://www.skepticalscience.com/saturat...effect.htm
Long Version: http://www.realclimate.org/index.php/arc...-argument/
We experience this "unsaturated event" every time the sun goes down and the temperature in Hawaii drops by 5-10 degrees.
As far as how this effects us:
* Higher average temperatures, stressing native animals and plants and causing an uptick in heat-related illnesses in people (think dengue fever or cholera), as well as a higher concentration of invasive species;
* A decrease in trade winds, which would disrupt the rainfall patterns across each of the islands and create periods of drought and heavy rain and flooding;
* Warmer oceans and higher ocean acidity, which could trigger massive coral bleaching, marine migration, and affect the ocean’s circulation and the way it distributes nutrients.
From 44 page report specific to Hawaii: http://seagrant.soest.hawaii.edu/sites/d...change.pdf
You can also find specific information about the Pacific Islands here: https://pirca.org/ and talk with them to express your skepticism and they occasionally hold town hall style meetings. And they have a new Hawaii fact sheet that discusses the estimates made on local scales for our little islands https://pacificislandsclimate.files.word...ands-3.pdf