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Building a cabin under $6000 possible?
While the 24"oc is a very interesting concept, I believe I'll be sticking with the 16"oc that I have been accustomed to, purely out of familiarity. Thanks for the information on that though.
I guess I'm getting down to what I am going to change and what the final product will be though, but I do have a few specific questions.
* Are treated rafters necessary around here due to termites? Or would keeping the exposed areas outside the building painted be fine?
* It looks like treated 4x8x12 lumber would make for fine girder/beams? It's be 6 total, and have them joined directly over the center post.
* I'll be sticking with treated 2x8x8 joist spans, joined over a beam for 16'. With blocking which might be overkill but I'd like a solid floor. 3/4" or better flooring on top of that. This sounds alright?
* Since the rafters don't have too major dead load on them, 2x8x20 spanned 16' (leaving roughly 2ft overhangs) with simpson ties and no birdmouth cuts should do just fine up there?

And of course I'll be using other metal tie-ins.
If all this holds true, I shouldn't be breaking the bank at all on this little build and can afford some comfort upgrades on it.

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RE: Building a cabin under $6000 possible? - by Palanakonu - 05-01-2017, 04:33 PM

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