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DLNR cat killing apparently to ramp up on Kauai
terracore - I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that would prove to be a very dubious scientific proposition. The connection between felines, toxo, and infected rodent behavior is no doubt the product of millions of years of symbiotic evolution. (Unless you're proposing that there were crazy cavewomen).

MarkD - I'm not against the TNR method. If organized and well-funded I'm certain it would work. So there's a record of it not working; a hundred badly funded ad-hoc programs never worked, what a surprise. Consider it this way: Suppose in 1960 Kennedy delivered a speech saying "I propose to end the feral cat problem by the end of the decade..." He'd be laughed off the stage. Trust me, we put a man on the moon; we can solve the feral cat problem.

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RE: DLNR cat killing apparently to ramp up on Kauai - by Hunt Stoddard - 07-27-2017, 01:53 PM

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