07-05-2006, 01:08 PM
As far as I understood today was the day the new bandwidth was going to
be turned on. As far as I checked by doing speed tests and trace routes
that hasn't happened yet. I'm crossing my fingers it will happen tomorrow.
As the download speeds are still quite bad.
2006-07-05 22:51:34 Speed test @ lax.speed test.dslextreme.com
1092/699 kbps
2006-07-05 22:49:48 Speed test @ www.sonic.net
1375/697 kbps
2006-07-05 22:48:23 Speed test @ dslreports-west2.speakeasy.net
1977/688 kbps
2006-07-05 22:46:58 Speed test @ dslreports.linkline.com
1335/744 kbps
2006-07-05 22:45:24 Speed test @ dslr-west1.megapath.net
1256/696 kbps
be turned on. As far as I checked by doing speed tests and trace routes
that hasn't happened yet. I'm crossing my fingers it will happen tomorrow.
As the download speeds are still quite bad.
2006-07-05 22:51:34 Speed test @ lax.speed test.dslextreme.com
1092/699 kbps
2006-07-05 22:49:48 Speed test @ www.sonic.net
1375/697 kbps
2006-07-05 22:48:23 Speed test @ dslreports-west2.speakeasy.net
1977/688 kbps
2006-07-05 22:46:58 Speed test @ dslreports.linkline.com
1335/744 kbps
2006-07-05 22:45:24 Speed test @ dslr-west1.megapath.net
1256/696 kbps