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Santa's Workshop Fundraiser is OVER. MAHALO!
As ever, there's a very special part of you that gives to those with needs no matter what others might think.

Doing a little bit of trolling yourself Tomk? What does this have to do with Rob's fundraiser? Now I see where this club of entitlement and free passes to bully is hatched. There are a lot of fundraisers that are ongoing and pop up around the holidays. I'm sure there are many punawebbers who donate to various other charities. Many of us don't have the pocket book to donate to all charities. There's one in HPP through the food pantry to help HPP children this Christmas. Helping those in need isn't about tooting horns or entitlements.

Rob, glad you had a successful fundraiser for the Pahoa Elementary school children.

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RE: Santa's Workshop Fundraiser is OVER. MAHALO! - by leo - 10-26-2017, 03:31 AM

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