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Hawaii Public Schools & Teacher Salaries
The GOP uses a special loop hole that allows Congress to pass one bill a year with 51 votes. "Normally it would take 60 votes, but Republicans side-stepped any trouble from Democrats by using a clever tactic known as reconciliation where they are allowed to tack one major bill a year onto the budget and pass it with a simple majority vote."

Not only will it hurt schools, but it also hurts students, assuming the reconciliation process of the House and Senate Bill go according to House GOP plans.

The House bill scraps many popular deductions for college students and college grads with student loans. The House bill eliminates the popular student loan debt write off, and it forces graduate students who receive tuition waivers (sometimes as much as $20,000 or more) to count that money as income for tax purposes, even though they don't actually receive money in their pockets. It would be a big hit and many universities are saying it could heavily dissuade graduate study. The Senate bill does not make these changes.

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RE: Hawaii Public Schools & Teacher Salaries - by Eric1600 - 12-03-2017, 03:01 AM

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