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Hawaii Public Schools & Teacher Salaries
Would defunding the Hawaii public schools be the worst thing that could happen? They rank near the bottom among the states by most objective measures, the teachers' union is all powerful and run by weasels, and the state Board of Education consistently tries to suppress the Charter Schools, the only bright spot in an otherwise dismal picture. Also, the average expenditure per pupil is close to what some of the better private schools charge. While I know that the state's figures are skewed upward by the disproportionate cost of the Special Ed that they provide, that last bit is still an eye opener. A discussion about giving parents the choice of spending their kids' share of the loot where it would do the most good might be more useful and enlightening than abstractly pondering a tax measure that is still being negotiated between the House and Senate. When it comes to education in Hawaii, the real issue is value for money and not the idiot Trump's tax "reform."

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RE: Hawaii Public Schools & Teacher Salaries - by Chunkster - 12-03-2017, 05:32 AM

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