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Shipman development plan meeting Monday July 10th
Went to the meeting. It started with a preview of a Don't Drink & Drive movie done by the Keaau High School students.
Kimo Lee from Shipman presented a very long range plan of some of the Shipman properties. Most of the plan was for the Shipman properties in, and abutting, Keaau Town proper (mauka of Puna Fresh, mauka of Hwy. 130/11 intersection, Makai of Puna Hongwanji Mission, and between Keaau High & Keaau Loop. There was a little bit on the property abutting HPP, most of it is currently planned as rural residentional & Ag, but down on Kaloli Point, they do have a long range (50 year) plan to include a resort & golf course (Kimo repeatedly explained that the infrastructure for this would be a tremendous undertaking. Their long range plan also has a community college & sports complex on over 300 acres, makai of Hwy. 130, but this is a very long range plan. Right now their 5-10 year plan is mainly dealing properties in Keaau town & the 32 acre shopping complex 130 & 11. They did seem to really want to keep green spaces & increase bike & foot paths access ways, and to connect the High school more to the community.
After this meeting was the Neigborhood Watch Captains Meeting. Big points: loose dogs & getting neighbors involved.
If anyone else was there, I probably missed something, feel free to update more,
Aloha, Carey


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RE: Shipman development plan meeting Monday July 10th - by Carey - 07-10-2006, 06:00 PM

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