07-11-2006, 07:41 AM
It didn't even occur to me to bring our hummingbird feeders from CA. Based on our experience in CA and the climate in HI, I expect that one should change the sugar water solution daily. If you can't keep to a schedule of frequently changing your sugar water and cleaning your feeder, I think it's better to not put out a nectar feeder.
If you live at lower elevations, you may attract 'Amakihi to a nectar feeder. Japanese White-eyes will probably find it, too. I don't know if 'Apapane are found at low elevations anymore. The 'Elepaio, a monarch flycatcher, not a honeycreeper, is more of an insectivore, but it may come to a nectar feeder. Whether it can get its bill into the feeder is another question.
Mella, I think the protein powder is something that is specifically meant for rehab facilities that rescue baby hummingbirds, among other species. Since they cannot be maintained on sugar water alone, you have to provide a protein source like bugs, or the powder. Will's note indicates that the protein powder supplement is not necessary for the honeycreepers. I'd say, keep it simple.
Will's warning about not using honey is good advice. You should probably avoid molasses and other sweeteners, too. Studies have shown that granulated sugar best matches the content of flower nectar.
Les C
Edited by - Les C on 07/11/2006 11:41:52
If you live at lower elevations, you may attract 'Amakihi to a nectar feeder. Japanese White-eyes will probably find it, too. I don't know if 'Apapane are found at low elevations anymore. The 'Elepaio, a monarch flycatcher, not a honeycreeper, is more of an insectivore, but it may come to a nectar feeder. Whether it can get its bill into the feeder is another question.
Mella, I think the protein powder is something that is specifically meant for rehab facilities that rescue baby hummingbirds, among other species. Since they cannot be maintained on sugar water alone, you have to provide a protein source like bugs, or the powder. Will's note indicates that the protein powder supplement is not necessary for the honeycreepers. I'd say, keep it simple.
Will's warning about not using honey is good advice. You should probably avoid molasses and other sweeteners, too. Studies have shown that granulated sugar best matches the content of flower nectar.
Les C
Edited by - Les C on 07/11/2006 11:41:52