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Rain, Mauna Kea, Skiing, and Altitude Sickness
So much for my try to get to the top.
First of all, early is a subjective term.
Getting packed up, fed, fueled up, and by the bank after they opened for pocket money did get me started out of town about the time I'd liked to have arrived at the top.
But, being as today was primarily a recon day, I wasn't too unhappy, until I reached the MK visitor center.
The road was blocked with a thundering heard of people and cars stacked up around the visitor center and the upper road start.
It was like a county fair with all the people and cars.

Just looked at the MKWC.
They still have the road marked as being closed due to snow, ice and black ice on the roads.
With the way temps and radiation have been and the time frame, I don't buy it.
Personally, I think all they're doing is trying to keep the large numbers of people off the top.
Which might not be a bad idea.
That many people running around all over the top could be disruptive.

I'll sleep better tonight and get an earlier start tomorrow.

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Was a Democrat until gun control became a knee jerk, then a Republican until the crazies took over, back to being a nonpartisan again.
This time, I can no longer participate in the primary.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Rain, Mauna Kea, Skiing, and Altitude Sickness - by Guest - 11-24-2017, 08:59 PM
RE: Rain, Mauna Kea, Skiing, and Altitude Sickness - by 1voyager1 - 12-23-2017, 12:24 PM

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