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Rain, Mauna Kea, Skiing, and Altitude Sickness
Morning after reflections on "skiing" Mauna Kea

I am not sore, only a bit fatigued, much less after effects than I had expected.

Altitude was the limiting factor as I had expected.
But, its effects were not obvious in the ways I had expected.

The thin dry air caused rapid dehydration through breathing, not perspiration.
I don't think I ever broke a sweat.
My mouth would dry out quickly every time I opened it.
I drank a lot of water just to dampen my mouth.
It would follow that a lot of body water would be lost directly through the lungs' surfaces while breathing.
This morning I am still a bit dehydrated.

The muscle tiredness was not so much being out of shape, as the anoxic conditions restricting muscle energy.
As tired as I was from my activities as I was yesterday, and my present state of poor conditioning, I should be stoved up this morning.
I feel too good for what I was feeling yesterday.
I'm only a little fatigued.
Nowhere near the payback I was expecting from what I was experiencing.

I am feeling a bit asthmatic [with a little fluid being produced this morning], as I did yesterday towards the end of the day on the mountain.
Possibly minor pulmonary edema, but I'm more inclined to think its just an after effect of the drying out the lungs surfaces.

I'm glad I used my old tube of SPF5 sun block.
My face has darkened up a small amount with no burn.
That is a big win.

If I had found a way to supplement my O2 intake, my activities probably wouldn't have been as restricted.
Then, I would probably have been badly stoved up this morning, not sure if that's a win or not.
I may whine a lot about it while I'm hurting, but knowing its coming has never stopped me.

There might be more to this that doesn't come to mind right now.

I'm again thinking about going back up tomorrow with much lower expectations.
Should be fewer people up there.

Anybody have any red kick wax?
I threw all mine out as well as my cambered skis before moving here.
Don't think there'll be any available locally that I could buy.

A merry Christmas back at you Tom, and to everyone else.
It's a good day for recuperation.
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Was a Democrat until gun control became a knee jerk, then a Republican until the crazies took over, back to being a nonpartisan again.
This time, I can no longer participate in the primary.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Rain, Mauna Kea, Skiing, and Altitude Sickness - by Guest - 11-24-2017, 08:59 PM
RE: Rain, Mauna Kea, Skiing, and Altitude Sickness - by 1voyager1 - 12-25-2017, 05:38 AM

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