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PUNA KIDNAPPING suspect vehicle #HCD-702
. . . how to get the proper authorities to "step up their game"?

The police, prosecutor, and judges comprise a triangle of authorities whose usual pattern when dealing with citizen complaints is for each to point their fingers at the other two and shrug. The police administration and judges are appointed by the good old boy network and not really subject to reasonable citizen pressure.

The prosecutor, however, is directly elected by the voters. When Mitch Roth was first elected, many of us had hope for fewer plea bargains and for demands for more lengthy sentencing. This has not materialized, however, and I have come to the conclusion that Roth would make a better social worker than prosecutor. Just look at the deal he cut Peter Boy's murdering parents for a glaring example.

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RE: PUNA KIDNAPPING suspect vehicle #HCD-702 - by Chunkster - 01-02-2018, 07:52 AM

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