01-13-2018, 06:19 AM
First, someone needs to lose their job over this fiasco. Second someone needs to be fired over the recently released letters sent out by some underling in the Hawaii PD threatening firearms owners on the medical pot users that, they had to bring in their firearms for immediate confiscation. This thug with a badge even forged the Chief's signature on this letter. The right took this and ran with it, running headlines you can imagine. Stuff like, a US state is in the act of confiscating citizen's firearms. The person responsible should've axed. The Chief retracted the letters and said this was NOT happening. As a taxpayer, I don't want my tax money thrown away for this kind of incompetence. Nincompoops such as these should be making Big Macs or sweeping out the mall after hours.
Jon in Keaau/HPP
Jon in Keaau/HPP
Jon in Keaau/HPP