02-17-2018, 08:35 PM
I wonder what Kai Kahele and Lorraine Inouye are thinking as the Big Islands reps on these Senate Committees-
(Kahele on HRE- Higher Education-that's a bad joke) and (Inouye on WTL-Water and Land- She does occupy space).
By the way, if you want to testify on SB3090 SD1, your next chance is 2/22/2018 @10:10 AM at WAM (Ways and Means Committee), both Kahele and Inouye are on WAM.
Chair of WAM is Donovan Dela Cruz.
e-mail for giving testimony is: capitol.hawaii.gov
This is best done by the afternoon or evening of 2/21/2018.
(Kahele on HRE- Higher Education-that's a bad joke) and (Inouye on WTL-Water and Land- She does occupy space).
By the way, if you want to testify on SB3090 SD1, your next chance is 2/22/2018 @10:10 AM at WAM (Ways and Means Committee), both Kahele and Inouye are on WAM.
Chair of WAM is Donovan Dela Cruz.
e-mail for giving testimony is: capitol.hawaii.gov
This is best done by the afternoon or evening of 2/21/2018.