03-05-2018, 04:05 AM
You can't use your drivers license for ID at the airport unless it is delivered to your street address.
TSA isn't checking the address on your driver's license. (For that matter, a passport is acceptable; these have no address printed on them.)
REAL ID requires that the address on your license/ID card be "true and correct". If there is no mail delivery, a delivery address within some distance of your physical address (500 feet? don't have the regulations in front of me) is acceptable.
I hadn't thought about using the Federal REAL ID requirements as a bludgeon against USPS and/or private subdivisions, but it could be an interesting approach.
TSA isn't checking the address on your driver's license. (For that matter, a passport is acceptable; these have no address printed on them.)
REAL ID requires that the address on your license/ID card be "true and correct". If there is no mail delivery, a delivery address within some distance of your physical address (500 feet? don't have the regulations in front of me) is acceptable.
I hadn't thought about using the Federal REAL ID requirements as a bludgeon against USPS and/or private subdivisions, but it could be an interesting approach.