03-15-2018, 06:35 PM
quote:Don't give us this shibai. The people who are pushing for anyone to be able to get any kind of gun anywhere are the same ones pushing to cut school funding (see: Kansas, Oklahoma) and eliminate mental health services everywhere. Two days before the Parkland shooting, the Dotard put out a budget to cut school mental health service grants by 30% and gut Medicaid, which pays for a big portion of mental health. Most of those in favor of stronger gun control have been pushing for more mental health resources for a long time.
Originally posted by Kapoho Joe
Finally, and most personally - The reason why I hate with a passion all you gun control nuts is because nobody on your side gives a crap why these kids are pulling the trigger, you just want to take the tool away without putting out a major outcry for increased mental health resources in our school.