03-17-2018, 09:59 AM
Originally posted by Ciks
May I ask why this property owner is being examined so closely?
I'm interested in BUILDING such a house. (I could care less about the owners) If I do pick up some property in Puna, I would like to start small, then build the main house afterwards. I'm only using that one as an example. I've been cruising through Airbnb and see all sorts of structures.
Here's another example: https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/7182254
I like the look of the first cottage, at least the roof seems more secure.
Another one: https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/13901
None of these look as "nice" as the one shown above. Do any of these look like they would've been permitted?
The structure appears to be smaller than 600 square feet, and I don't see a toilet in the photos, so it's entirely possible that it's exempt from permit requirements.
Ah ha, this is interesting. So we're saying I could build as many 20'x20' cottages as I wanted? (not that I intend to) I've seen some Thai style houses that are basically 20x20 rooms/little houses that are connected by walkways with a central courtyard. I could slowly build my Thai style house and claim I'm adding a game room, trophy room and library? :-)
You can build as many structures as you like. You (or anyone else) just legally can't live in them.
Building Code:
"One story detached accessory structures used as tool and storage sheds, playhouses and similar uses, provided the floor area does not exceed a) 120 square feet (11.2m2); b) does not exceed 600 square feet for agricultural zoned lands."
These structures are not meant for habitation.