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Recycle, Or SB3099 Will Raise Bottle Depo
Originally posted by leilanidude

From an energy standpoint, it's questionable whether recycling makes sense here. The waste to energy plants could be a better option.
Not for recyclables though. Regular garbage - yes. Oahu has a couple plants...

Plastic definitely burns well, as it's made from oil. The new, high heat plasma trash burners probably take care of glass too.

Sweden is a big proponent of this technology.

But who cares how other counties deal with their problems, right? [:p]
I'm afraid it may be true that Hawaii would somehow turn this method into a failure.

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RE: Recycle, Or SB3099 Will Raise Bottle Depo - by Durian Fiend - 03-22-2018, 04:09 AM

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