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Oh My God! Magnum House Set For Demolition
Magnum shirt and Detroit Tigers hat

Thanks for the memories, and the great insights and perspective from someone who lived on Oahu at the time.

The Tiger's hat! One of my favorite episodes was when Magnum had to solve a case while simultaneously avoiding the score of a big game he wanted to watch on TV later that day. Hawaii showed games on a tape delay in the '80's. He managed to stop everyone who heard the game on the radio from talking about it, returned to Robin's Nest, grabbed some chips and a cold beer when Higgins of all people, an Englishman with no interest in American sports, barges in and blabs out the score.

Oh my God! Indeed.

Idiots rule the world, but only when there is a fair vote. - Last Aphorisms
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves

Messages In This Thread
RE: Oh My God! Magnum House Set For Demolition - by Guest - 04-04-2018, 06:10 AM
RE: Oh My God! Magnum House Set For Demolition - by HereOnThePrimalEdge - 04-04-2018, 06:24 AM

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