04-11-2018, 04:34 AM
Originally posted by lquade
this has been a problem in other places too. everyone who knew this lady, knew this was going on, yet he was a cop and everyone was afraid of reprocusions if they tried to go to the police.
It's happened here before too - been a few decades but there was a notorious case where a Hilo police officer killed his wife - beating her to death - that the department did their best to stall and delay investigations on it. But, credit to a woman in the community - whose name escapes me now - who wouldn't stand for it and she raised holy hell until he was prosecuted and put away. Yet the department is willing to let it happen again. If our good mayor had any integrity at all - something I've long since given up any hope for - he would give his police chief notice that he was done and make it clear, henceforth, any recurrence of remotely similar coverup of police misconduct will be an automatic firing offense.