07-26-2006, 12:27 AM
John's advice is true practically everywhere. Up north, I bought lake property beginning in 1982. It always was much more expensive than woods property but it had the advantage of being limited. Now, many years later, I have friends, who after 20+ years want to move onto a lake. they had a very nice house that they sold. Their appreciation isn't what it would have been if it wre on water and they are finding lake property too expensive. John's advice, if I can paraphrase, and understand is buy what you can when you can and trust in the market.
Marj and I bought what we think is agood property in Puna and i am satisfied with the price. Will we make money? MAybe, maybe not. But I am no real esatate investor and I don't care. I will say that of all the properties I've bought , I've never lost money yet.
Marj and I bought what we think is agood property in Puna and i am satisfied with the price. Will we make money? MAybe, maybe not. But I am no real esatate investor and I don't care. I will say that of all the properties I've bought , I've never lost money yet.