04-26-2018, 11:29 AM
Okay. Common sense here. Pesticides are poison. Designed to kill small living organisms. We are much larger living organisms. So a small amount isn't going to kill us but certainly is not good for us in any way shape or form.
Andy you want evidence? Just search yourself there's tons of information saying it just isn't good for our bodies.
SURPRISE SURPRISE, there's also tons of info saying it's safe-(info that is funded by the big chemical companies who hire their own scientists.)
Some people want to spread info and help fellow humans out, other people want to continue selling their products.
Here Andy:
More than just opinion Paul. HOTPE something must be wrong with your sniffer if you cannot smell concentrated Roundup. It has a very strong and distinct smell.
Over the years the government continues to pull chemicals off the shelf that were once "okayed". Like "oops, our bad, that chemical that we used to say was safe is now deemed dangerous."
I expect that trend to continue.
Andy you want evidence? Just search yourself there's tons of information saying it just isn't good for our bodies.
SURPRISE SURPRISE, there's also tons of info saying it's safe-(info that is funded by the big chemical companies who hire their own scientists.)
Some people want to spread info and help fellow humans out, other people want to continue selling their products.
Here Andy:
More than just opinion Paul. HOTPE something must be wrong with your sniffer if you cannot smell concentrated Roundup. It has a very strong and distinct smell.
Over the years the government continues to pull chemicals off the shelf that were once "okayed". Like "oops, our bad, that chemical that we used to say was safe is now deemed dangerous."
I expect that trend to continue.