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Pesticide Ban To Be Considered In Hawaii County

FWIW, I have a restricted use pesticide applicators license for Hawaii and advocate for evidence based decision making in politics.

There is no evidence linking glyphosate (the active ingredient in Round Up) to cancer.

This is an excerpt from the article below from the judge hearing the case you seem to be excited about: ”I do have a difficult time understanding how an epidemiologist in the face of all the evidence that we saw and heard last week” can conclude that glyphosate “is in fact causing” non-Hodgkin lymphoma in human beings, he said Wednesday. “The evidence that glyphosate is currently causing NHL in human beings” at current exposure levels is “pretty sparse,” he said

So for EW, and any others curious - this is going nowhere - just costing taxpayers money and wasting the courts time.

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RE: Pesticide Ban To Be Considered In Hawaii County - by rainyjim - 04-28-2018, 05:29 PM

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