07-30-2006, 10:17 PM
Punamom Thank you for the tip. I was kind of concerned about doing that and wondering how it would be perceived. We've been told by agents here that its considered an insult in most cases and they don't recommend it.
Hi Lee, you are right I have a set of 4 year old twins. A boy and a girl (needless to say I am DONE with having kids.) LOL
I was concerned about that as well. I want the kids to have lots of friends to socialize with. Here life is too fast paced and other than school they don't have anyone else to play with. There are no other kids in our small family. But they absolutely love making friends.
Hi Lee, you are right I have a set of 4 year old twins. A boy and a girl (needless to say I am DONE with having kids.) LOL
I was concerned about that as well. I want the kids to have lots of friends to socialize with. Here life is too fast paced and other than school they don't have anyone else to play with. There are no other kids in our small family. But they absolutely love making friends.