05-14-2018, 09:32 AM
quote:The proposed 6 bylaw changes, which included a mandatory forensic analysis, are a different topic than the election fraud occurring even as we type.
Originally posted by Eric1600
Did they remove the proposed bylaw changes from the ballots too?
The current board completely ignored the membership vote at the Feb 25th meeting to proceed with sending the 6 bylaw amendments out to the entire membership for approval.
Some of the 6 amendment votes, upon approval, would have taken effect immediately and appears were personally too dangerous for the general manager, Don Morris and his office thugs to allow to happen. Therefore, the board completely ignored the Bylaw Committee spokesperson at the Mar. board meeting and have not put the committee on the last 2 board meetings.
Two troublesome amendments were; 1. a forensic analysis would have begun immediately and 2. Bylaw rewrites and amendments to provide for the hiring of a Professional Management Company and in fact a Professional Management Research Committee (which was voted on at the Feb. meeting) was tasked by the membership, to start the process of researching to hire a management company to replace the HPP office employees and would included professional road maintenance management.