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The CoH has to rethink zoning and building codes
In days gone by folks set aside certain areas 'for the gods' and it was good. They had their lives, and the gods theirs, and a balance was achieved. Modern humanity, with all it's wisdom, hasn't retained that trait. The balance has been lost, and as is always the case the gods.. well you get the picture.

I agree with DanielP, we (collectively) made decisions and are now living through their consequences. The 'not in my lifetime' angle didn't pan out. Do we want to set it all up and do it over again.. and again? Or is it time to rethink our policies with regards zone 1? Is it time to take responsibility for the fact that residential subdivisions on the rift probably isn’t all that good an idea?

The interesting thing to me.. purely from a long overview of things... where in the past it has always looked like Pele wasn't all that favorable to geothermal now it looks like she's moved right in with 'em. Talk about buffer zones, and renewable resources, the pictures on the tele of that industrial complex.. that bank of turbines.. all those pipes looking like they're plugged into the fountains themselves.. Ormat's advertising agency must be having so much fun. If, big if, she actually leaves them alone beyond all that has come so far, they'll be the darlings of the industry.

So yes.. as is the topic of this thread.. The CoH has to rethink zoning and building codes.. it would probably be wise to include the neighbors in one's considerations. After all, their permits are all in order, and as it stands, at the moment, so is most of their infrastructure. I imagine that place could be back online in no time, and could scale up very easily. And, you got to figure now that all the land around them is probably at it's all time lowest value it's probable they're going to try to buy up the neighborhood.

Even Russell's idea of a land swap, your zone 1 for our zone 3, which is probably the best idea for long term planning of zone 1 lands, brings up concerns of what will happen with zone 1? If it was truly left to the gods, a place we all could visit and have life enriching experiences, even on a temporary type permanent basis, that'd be cool. But could we be opening the door for all those dreams of powering Oahu? After all, politically and financially, there has always been more than local interest jockeying for a say in the direction Puna grows over time.

The other thing about but Russell's idea, rather than building some sort of from scratch and consolidated into one subdivision (which sounds like a windfall for somebody's cousin) I think buying up all the empty bank owned properties would be a lot quicker solution that would create different options throughout all our communities immediately. That is if there really is an inventory of unoccupied homes on the island.

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RE: The CoH has to rethink zoning and building codes - by glinda - 06-08-2018, 03:31 AM

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