06-08-2018, 04:49 PM
"That may be the case, but if I was a realtor, god forbid, I would be handing out the lava zone booklet to every perspective buyer and making sure we read it together long before I would take them to see any properties. I suspect that would insure I was a bad realtor, and my sales over time would reflect as much. Still, I think that should be required by law."
What should be required, by law is an informative Lava disclosure form, signed by both the buyer and seller...and made part of the binding contract.
Realtors want to make the deal, sellers want to sell, financial institutions want the loan. I think it's difficult sometimes for potential buyers, not familiar with the history of our Island to wrap their minds around the risk they are taking.
At this point in time, a lava zone disclosure form jointly signed by both parties should be a requirement of all real estate transactions.