08-15-2006, 04:00 PM
Lol. It's Hawaiian time. Thank you for your replies. I get impatient I know. We'll be trading the ocean view and a little extra sunshine then for the cable in HPP. Yes, Time Warner has good speeds! Don't know how the latency factor will play out though till we're there and he tries it. Aaron gave me a link to their business packages (my son's a serious online gameer). http://hawaii.twcbc.com/HAWAII/ and click on "Business Solutions." The downstream's the same (5 Mb), but you can get up to 1.5 Mb upstream. Roadrunner doesn't advertise these, but if you ask they'll tell you. It's spendy to get it set up (I think she said $500) unless you can commit to one year or maybe it was three (it's been a couple months since we spoke). For the speed we want, it'll cost about $180 a month (up to five IP's), three times more than we pay here! And then for me to have my own modem, which I have here, I could just get the basic level because that's all I need. So that's another $40 I think. I like having my own modem so my Vonage phone isn't driving him nuts and when Internet goes down, I can take care of my own power cycling without waiting for my son to do it (I work online). He doesn't have any other expensive hobbies (until he weighs enough for paragliding - ouch) , so there you go. Even built his own gaming computer, shopping discount at NewEgg with money he saved. So it's worth it. I just home we can find a long term lease! She'd said one or three years...it's been a few months, so I'll have to look it up.
Macuu 222 4 blocks in 16 years (Is that progress?)
Macuu 222 4 blocks in 16 years (Is that progress?)