06-20-2018, 04:11 AM
I remember when the ballots were counted here. There was never the secrecy. It is an HPP event actually.So, we can assume there is something in the works... be prepared for it. I have not been able to attend much of anything for the last few years. My point is, the district board member represent us. For far to long that has not been the case. I know there has been a lot of people pitting 1 against the other and bad mouthing certain members for the purpose of building 1 person up at the expense of the other and the reasons were personal. This is not the kind of people we need running the show.If we can get professional management then a lot of that will be eliminated.Still there always seems to be one who wants/craves the spot light and is willing to discredit another to get it. No place for that.