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Time to begin discussing Puna lava viewing site
Hey MarkD,
I will always be late on posts as I'm not on daily. Your suggestion is to start a new thread to ask you this? If so I could always PM you instead? Either is good for me.


I read something from glinda about the Volcano caldera possibly waiting to spew ash with disastrous effect. She(?) seems to really know her stuff. I swear ISome risk to viewers traveling to Puna there. Particularly if they were to stay in "safe" Volcano.

Your desire to regain lava viewing was because of income I thought? Then legal paka would increase tourist traffic.

GN was pretty mouthy when still in Cali but seemed to have mellowed when finally in HOVE. A shame if he's acting out. I'll have to find & read his latest.

If I post now we'll be on the same page even though five days later!


Messages In This Thread
RE: Time to begin discussing Puna lava viewing site - by JimHAPuna - 06-28-2018, 10:43 AM
RE: Time to begin discussing Puna lava viewing site - by taropatch - 07-28-2018, 09:26 PM

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