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Homeless "Overrun" Lava Centers in Pahoa and Keaau
Doing community volunteering, I can tell you people will absolutely take advantage and the bad elements will drive off the good. If you don't require people to bathe before coming to events, stinky people will drive off polite people. If you look the other way on drinking and smoking and doing drugs, families will not consider your venue safe. If you don't say something to troublemakers, you will eventually be left with only troublemakers. This includes the insane, who can often be offensive or super inappropriate around children, etc.

Most people are too shy or kind to deal with assholes directly, so they will simply leave and not come back. Many people that run charities are so politically correct they are afraid to call anyone on anything. You need some assertive people on staff to maintain a good and safe environment.

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RE: Homeless "Overrun" Lava Centers in Pahoa and Keaau - by randomq - 07-18-2018, 11:02 PM

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