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Disturbing attempted car jacking. Stay alert.
Thanks for that tip Aaron. Profound advise. Maybe read the thread a bit and see that he was moved there in a rush from lava and is now looking to move again of course.

As for leaving the keys in the car, we all know that is a no-no but in your own driveway! C'mon folks think about it, those of you with gates, who is guilty of leaving the car in neutral with the e-brake on to close the gate? Maybe a 20 second task. I am guilty of that.

Here's where dogs come in. There is no way any greaseball hiding in the bushes near my house would go unnoticed. The dogs would be barking and pointing, a dead giveaway.

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RE: Disturbing attempted car jacking. Stay alert. - by ElysianWort - 07-23-2018, 11:29 AM

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