07-27-2018, 05:41 AM
I think $5 would cover the cost of glasses unless everyone breaks or steals them, and even the philistines in my family need glasses. (I don't drink alcohol.) Frau Chunkster would probably take her own glasses if they let her because she is the cheapest woman in the known universe . . . unless it comes to beauty treatments. Little Chunkchen isn't legal yet for public alcohol consumption, but does demand a glass when we let her have a bit. Hell, Chunkchen won't even drink Coke without a glass, but her grandmother was once seen careening down an alley in Braunschweig drinking schnapps straight out the bottle.
Meanwhile, I do want to try Paulo's, and I should be able to easily convince the Frau to leave the wine at home and have a glass of county water. Surely they don't charge for a glass for the tap water.
Meanwhile, I do want to try Paulo's, and I should be able to easily convince the Frau to leave the wine at home and have a glass of county water. Surely they don't charge for a glass for the tap water.