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When and WHERE will it pop up next? Guesstimates
Originally posted by Open-d

Wherever/whenever the next ERZ eruption occurs, hopefully the County will have had time to complete their condemnation/evacuation/tear-down procedures before it hits. Once the area is cleared out, there will be little or no cause for unpleasant interactions etc., between the county (or hot, chewy lava or toxic gases) and citizens. A classic win-win situation.

Yeah, sure thing. Same deal with a Mauna Loa north rift zone eruption- everyone will be cleared out of Hilo and the town will be torn down [Sad]

I'd imagine an up slope rift eruption of Kilauea would be most likely for the future.


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RE: When and WHERE will it pop up next? Guesstimates - by Durian Fiend - 08-21-2018, 02:50 AM

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