08-22-2018, 03:43 PM
glinda, ok, the 1934 Central American Hurricane disproves most every off-the-wall statement I have read on this storm...
did a full circular loop through the mountains(4km) of Central America, starting Atlantic traveling to the Pacific Shores then looping through inner Yucatan, into the Gulf of Mexico, never making it over Cat1, yet one of the deadliest storms ever on record & traveled up through the inner eastern seaboard to Nova Scotia...not torn to smithereens nor stopped by any of the land masses nor mountains it endured....
One storm, not a big one, disproving most of the hear-say rumors....
Add to that the 1871 and 1843 reported storms that did do hurricane force damage to our island & traveled beyond our island to do damage to other islands... & then that little Iselle storm & you get a picture that some folks would rather dwell in false beliefs than to look to data that has already been presented on this thread!
did a full circular loop through the mountains(4km) of Central America, starting Atlantic traveling to the Pacific Shores then looping through inner Yucatan, into the Gulf of Mexico, never making it over Cat1, yet one of the deadliest storms ever on record & traveled up through the inner eastern seaboard to Nova Scotia...not torn to smithereens nor stopped by any of the land masses nor mountains it endured....
One storm, not a big one, disproving most of the hear-say rumors....
Add to that the 1871 and 1843 reported storms that did do hurricane force damage to our island & traveled beyond our island to do damage to other islands... & then that little Iselle storm & you get a picture that some folks would rather dwell in false beliefs than to look to data that has already been presented on this thread!