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Hurricane Lane Conspiracy - '18-08-23
Originally posted by Midnight Rambler

On the mainland, four inches of rain is enough to cause massive flooding. Here, it's a regular day. I had to fly out of Las Vegas once and they shut down the airport because they got 1/4" of rain. It was like they had no idea what it was.

In the SW deserts, a little rain far away can do some epic ****. All the valleys are shaped like bowls, and the cities/towns tend to be in the bottom/center of them. 1/2" of rain in 2 hours up in the hills above Laughlin, Nevada turned every street into a foot deep river. Next day, 4" of rocks and sand in every intersection.

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RE: Hurricane Lane Conspiracy - '18-08-23 - by dobanion - 08-24-2018, 12:49 AM

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