08-31-2006, 09:04 AM
I second that, PunaMom. Great info. KapohoCat supplied me with some more detailed guestimations as well, and it seems like kind of a messy and complicated situation for this particular house. Simplicity always seems to be the key. The house we were first considering was in Lanipuna Gardens - a cute cute beauty with lots of potential. We placed a bid, but the bid fell through because the owner had emergency surgery on Oahu. We decided to rent for a while instead. On the property we rented there were two young guys renting as well. They've moved on, they bought the house we bid on in Lanipuna. Crazy! It's been wonderful getting educated on this forum. Everyone's posts, questions, jokes, remarks, suggestions make this community very unique, and I'm thankful to be here. Now, for that lender search.