09-21-2018, 04:13 AM
First off, what ever happened to showing pride in your home and property. I grew up where people loved to keep their homes and yard beautiful because they were proud of ownership. They were responsible owners and realized that this was their home not just a place to eat and sleep. They were not afraid to work hard for their investment. Now people want something given to them. Feel entitled just for the sake that they exist. It is all about them and what they can get for nothing which only cheats others. As the saying goes, there's no such thing as a free lunch. Your gonna pay for it some how, some way. These are the people that live in HPP that know the value of their dollars. Even if one can afford to pay more it is a matter of being wise and wise people do not throw money and see no return. They do not throw money at someone who is nontransparent, vulgar and inept. Unfortunately the "it's all about me and I want it free" crowd seems to dominate. What do they care if it isn't their money being wasted. And a whole bunch of people who could care less that our bylaws are being shredded left and right.