09-27-2018, 08:09 AM
Originally posted by HereOnThePrimalEdge
[i]Hawaii’s government, which controlled the territory and was recognized by the same states that recognized the Kingdom of Hawaii, agreed to the terms of the treaty.
nice try, but now who is ignoring facts?
On October 18th 1893, the U.S. government concluded an investigation of its role in the overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom government, and negotiation for settlement with Queen Lili`uokalani began on November 13th 1893 at the U.S. Legation in Honolulu.At this meeting, U.S. Minister Albert Willis notified the Queen of the “President’s sincere regret that, through the unauthorized intervention of the United States, she had been obliged to surrender her sovereignty, and his hope that, with her consent and cooperation, the wrong done to her and to her people might be redressed.” Willis then asked, by direction of the President, “Should you be restored to the throne, would you grant full amnesty as to life and property to all those persons who have been or who are now in the Provisional Government, or who may have been instrumental in the overthrow of your government.” In this initial meeting, the Queen refused to grant amnesty, but after several additional meetings with Willis she accepted the conditions of restoration and she signed a declaration on December 18th 1893, which was forwarded to Secretary of State Walter Gresham on December 20th. The Congress was notified of this agreement on January 13th 1894 by Presidential message.Therefore, by virtue of this executive agreement, the President, and his successors in office, remain legally bound to restore the Hawaiian Kingdom government and to return the executive power to Hawai`i’s chief executive.