09-28-2018, 01:58 PM
HOTPE, Are you suggesting violence is a genetic certainty? As if to say the animal still has that great of a grip on us?
You do realize we have to rise above that silliness, right? That to accomplish anything truly significant mankind has to stop killing each other. We need generations of people living to care for rather than compete against each other to truly explore the potential of our minds and our bodies. Warring and other activities of that nature keep us from accomplishing so much. I hope for the day it is nothing but a memory. Though I am sure some will say I am misguided. Are you one of them? Am I misguided?
You do realize we have to rise above that silliness, right? That to accomplish anything truly significant mankind has to stop killing each other. We need generations of people living to care for rather than compete against each other to truly explore the potential of our minds and our bodies. Warring and other activities of that nature keep us from accomplishing so much. I hope for the day it is nothing but a memory. Though I am sure some will say I am misguided. Are you one of them? Am I misguided?