09-29-2018, 04:36 AM
"In 1784 Kamehameha I began a war of conquest, and, by 1795, with his superior use of modern weapons and western advisors, he subdued all other chiefdoms, with the exception of Kaua‘i. ------ In the face of the threat of a further invasion, in 1810, Kaumuali‘i decided to peacefully unite with Kamehameha and join the rest of the Kingdom of Hawai"i" http://totakeresponsibility.blogspot.com...kauai.html
So was the occupation of Maui , O'ahau, and Kaua'i a war crime? Was the Kingdom legitimate beyond Hawai'i island?
So was the occupation of Maui , O'ahau, and Kaua'i a war crime? Was the Kingdom legitimate beyond Hawai'i island?