10-07-2018, 10:58 AM
Actually growing trees in pots is maybe the best way to stunt their growth.
You missed the point entirely Jim. Obviously the bigger the space for the rootball to fill, the bigger the plant. However in this circumstance it seemed as though the poster I was commenting to didn't have time to properly care for them (fruit trees) which in this case included watering them. Kona = dry environment.
Therefore I suggested putting them in pots and the following sentence talked about putting them near the house and watering them every day. As opposed to just sitting in a hole in the ground for days without water. He mentioned his plants were small and taking forever to grow. (probably lack of water)
You missed the point entirely Jim. Obviously the bigger the space for the rootball to fill, the bigger the plant. However in this circumstance it seemed as though the poster I was commenting to didn't have time to properly care for them (fruit trees) which in this case included watering them. Kona = dry environment.
Therefore I suggested putting them in pots and the following sentence talked about putting them near the house and watering them every day. As opposed to just sitting in a hole in the ground for days without water. He mentioned his plants were small and taking forever to grow. (probably lack of water)