12-02-2018, 05:59 PM
Originally posted by lisa
On you for deciding what to "follow" or not dan d. Strange grumblings from people who listen to DK Sai, deZayas, et al.
Wonderfully put HOTPE- your questions about what the future would look like.
Another link I read a few years ago when researching clear title problems... http://www.angelfire.com/hi2/hawaiiansov...title.html
Turns out the titles cannot be cleared as no entity exist to undo the damage.
Originally posted by dan d
After shes gone,can we lock and throw away this thread,and mis ruggles and dr sai.
Nough allready.
Yes, Snowflake Ruggles needs to melt away into the hands of of the Protectors. I had not better see her around. Perhaps she can can offer herself up to Madame Pele as a failed, sad, fraudulent thief of the County Council.