01-23-2019, 12:59 PM
legislators who push their leftist agendas have unpaid interns
I am still curious, what leftist agendas, and who, pray tell, has unpaid interns?
I am sorry but this sounds more like a rant than anything of substance. Though, because I have always thought of terracore as a pretty level headed guy I wonder what happened? All of a sudden his posts are as if he got bit by the Trump bug. Gone off the deep end and is now subscribing to infowars, Rush Limbaugh and all the other Russian propaganda rags. Leftist agendas? Yeah right.
As those entry-level positions are lost..
And there is the crux of the matter. This discussion, as geochem points out, is not a part of the old paradigm, but rather the beginning of the new. One in which there will not even be enough jobs to go around. All those entry level jobs are soon to be automated, and as such the term, living wage, is way bigger, way more meaningful, than minimum wage. There will be a whole lot of people, already born today, that never subscribe to the old modality.
How will that pan out here? We have all sorts of jobs that are going to go away soon. Are we going to change our attitudes? Are those that belittle and demean folks (like terrace is seemingly ready to do) that don't have the same work ethic as they think they should going to lighten up and allow for this new norm to take shape? Or are those with their staunch criticism going to keep driving the discussion, and everything else, into the ground?
Obviously this is a bigger deal than how much McDucks pays their counter help. This is a bigger deal than how we expect folks to fall in line. This is going to have to be addressed from the education system on up. We can no longer expect the hamburger joints to be the first stepping stone in our youth's learning to show up on time, show up every day, do what the boss tells you, work well with a team, etc.
And still the immediate question is, what is a fair minimum wage? Is it one in which the employee can be expected to pay for their living, or are we really going to stay stuck in this model where people have to work two and three jobs just to get by? I suspect the greedy, those that would take all they can get without concern for others, will hold onto their model of I got mine and f*ck the rest of you. Whereas I am grateful we live in a more realistic, and compassionate, state, where we at least are trying to recognize and deal with our shortcomings, and prepare for our future.
I am still curious, what leftist agendas, and who, pray tell, has unpaid interns?
I am sorry but this sounds more like a rant than anything of substance. Though, because I have always thought of terracore as a pretty level headed guy I wonder what happened? All of a sudden his posts are as if he got bit by the Trump bug. Gone off the deep end and is now subscribing to infowars, Rush Limbaugh and all the other Russian propaganda rags. Leftist agendas? Yeah right.
As those entry-level positions are lost..
And there is the crux of the matter. This discussion, as geochem points out, is not a part of the old paradigm, but rather the beginning of the new. One in which there will not even be enough jobs to go around. All those entry level jobs are soon to be automated, and as such the term, living wage, is way bigger, way more meaningful, than minimum wage. There will be a whole lot of people, already born today, that never subscribe to the old modality.
How will that pan out here? We have all sorts of jobs that are going to go away soon. Are we going to change our attitudes? Are those that belittle and demean folks (like terrace is seemingly ready to do) that don't have the same work ethic as they think they should going to lighten up and allow for this new norm to take shape? Or are those with their staunch criticism going to keep driving the discussion, and everything else, into the ground?
Obviously this is a bigger deal than how much McDucks pays their counter help. This is a bigger deal than how we expect folks to fall in line. This is going to have to be addressed from the education system on up. We can no longer expect the hamburger joints to be the first stepping stone in our youth's learning to show up on time, show up every day, do what the boss tells you, work well with a team, etc.
And still the immediate question is, what is a fair minimum wage? Is it one in which the employee can be expected to pay for their living, or are we really going to stay stuck in this model where people have to work two and three jobs just to get by? I suspect the greedy, those that would take all they can get without concern for others, will hold onto their model of I got mine and f*ck the rest of you. Whereas I am grateful we live in a more realistic, and compassionate, state, where we at least are trying to recognize and deal with our shortcomings, and prepare for our future.